Pregnancy Health & Wellness – Prenatal Yoga

Considering the discomforts that your ever expanding belly are likely to bring (round ligament pain, anyone?), being active and exercising might sound like the worst idea in the world. However, studies actually show that maintaining an exercise regimen while pregnant can help promote an easier labor. As a mom who is going to try and brave the experience without pain meds, that sounds pretty good to me!

I’ve never been one to be committed to going for runs or hanging out at the gym. And honestly, I don’t really care to let anyone see me exercising — especially right now.

My solution?

Pre-Natal Yoga DVDs!
There are tons of them. I like Prenatal Yoga with Shiva Rea by GAIAM.
There are three fitness instructors, one representing the modifications for each trimester.
The best part? The relaxation period at the end. I won’t pretend that I haven’t flat fallen asleep in the middle of my living room floor a couple of times. And what pregnant lady doesn’t love a good nap? 😉
